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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make it Rain

I feel like I sort of slighted my Friday night in the last post, so I'm going to go into some more depth after having had time to let it stew.

While we were in the bar, we managed to get a deck of cards and began playing Circle of Fire. Naturally, the scantily-dressed barmaids loved it. One of the rules we made was that you had to scream "Make it rain!" every time you took a drink. They never got tired of it. It got to the point where they would actually anticipate it and run over before we said it. Between the two bars, we drank 3 beers and 4 Long Island Ice Teas each in less than 2 hours, so I'm actually surprised that we did as well as we did. Apparently, Neil asked the bartender where a good club was and he referred him to the gay club, which is how we ended up there.

The club itself was really large for Thailand, maybe the size of the kickboxing arena. I can't really recall much, but it had flashing lights, a live band, and a giant pit of people dancing, which I guess are staples of the Euro club scene. All the Thai's left me alone, which makes sense, because I was visibly hammered and that's not sexy no matter who you are. However, Neil and Rob told me when they went to the bathroom they were aggressively sought out by several of the patrons. Apparently, they tried to give them massages as they peed, and Neil eventually gave them 300 Baht (about $10) to go away.

17 Oct 2009
A strange thing happened to me this morning: my shorts didn't fit as well as they seemed to earlier this week. I can't be sure, but I think I may have dropped at least one (maybe two) size(s). This is not unique to me, as my classmates have reported similar phenomenons. This is especially strange because almost everyone in the program is young, healthy, and very fit. At least half of us run. I don't think there's a single person who would qualify as being "overweight" (except on WiiFit...bastards), yet we are all dropping weight at an insane rate. I've been here a week, have eaten out every day, consumed large quantities of alcohol, and still have probably dropped 3-5 lbs. I realized that I would lose weight over here (hence, I weighed myself before I left), but jesus man. I feel like I could so dominate Biggest Loser right now. If there's anyone looking to drop a few pounds, take my advice and follow the Thailand-plan.

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